Thorsten Distler
MA Translator + Certified Copywriter + Certified Fitness Trainer

Blog post about the trigger pointing massage technique

SEO-optimised blog post about treating neck pain for the world’s biggest manufacturer of foam rollers (February 2020)

Through a copywriting agency, I received the fascinating commission to write a blog post that included training exercise tips and background information. The topic was using trigger pointing to treat neck pain with the aid of the universally popular foam roller.

The text had to be SEO-optimised and a detailed two-page brief was provided. Despite the rather exhaustive brief, I succeeded in writing an entertaining and informative blog post – using a concrete everyday situation as the hook to grab the reader’s attention and draw them directly into the text. I was also tasked with delivering a meta description of no more than 150 characters.

I optimised the headline and sub-headers to the main keyword and two co-keywords. I also used active verbs that demonstrably convince both Googlebot and users, ensuring that they buy into the idea.

I followed up the first section – a specific training exercise how-to – with a second part containing useful background information about the primary and secondary causes of neck pain and what other steps besides the training exercises might be of use.

The end product? An all-round successful text about trigger pointing to treat neck pain that incorporates valuable additional information – and is also packed with high-ranking keywords. The perfect symbiosis between keyword-optimised marketing and high-value content for users suffering from a painful condition.

For reasons of professional confidentiality, I am able to provide full details of certain projects only through B2B communication, in other words specifically in direct communication with my customers. On request, I will be delighted to send you a more detailed account of my relevant project experience.

Incendiary Ideas


From apps to brochures to websites: incendiary copy and translations spread like wildfire. Ideas this catching are a hazard to tinder-dry content of all kinds. As soon as they set eyes on it sparks will fly, spreading uncontrollably to your readers and users.
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